Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

"Terimakasih Banyak PAN May Allah Bless You Always: Marissa Haque & Ikang Fawzi"

Ikang Fawzi, Marissa Haque dan Desy Ratnasari Di-endorse oleh PAN

Ahmad Toriq - detikNews


Jakarta - PAN selama ini dikenal sebagai partai gudangnya artis. Untuk pemilu 2014, sudah ada tiga artis yang siap maju dari PAN.

"Ada Ikang Fawzi, Doktor Marissa Haque
dan Mbak Desy Ratnasari, dia hampir doktor juga lho," kata Ketua DPP PAN, Tjatur Sapto Edy, di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (15/1/2013).

Tjatur mengatakan pertimbangan utama memilih para artis tidak hanya dari sisi popularitas, tapi juga dari kapabilitas mereka sebagai anggota DPR nantinya. PAN sangat selektif dengan pemilihan calegnya.

"Caleg PAN harus mempunyai kapasitas, kredibilitas dan harus punya track record yang baik. Dia juga harus bisa menggaet massa," ujar Tjatur.

Ketua Fraksi PAN itu mengatakan persiapan pencalegan akan selesai April 2013 mendatang. Dia menjamin kualitas caleg PAN tahun ini akan lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya.

"Caleg PAN tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya," pungkasnya.


"Terimakasih Banyak PAN May Allah Bless You Always: Marissa Haque & Ikang Fawzi"

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Sebuah Quotation untuk Hari Ini: dalam Marissa Haque Ikang Fawzi

January 7th, 2013 Tagged
Barang siapa berpaling dari kebenaran (hak), maka dia pasti akan terjerumus ke dalam kebathilan. Dan barang siapa enggan beramal-soleh hanya karena Allah belaka, maka Alla akan membeiarkan mereka beramal untuk selain Allah.
Dr.Hj. Marissa Haque Ikang Fawzi , UGM FEB (MBA dari Kampus Tercinta)
“Sebuah Quotation untuk Hari Ini: dalam Marissa Haque Ikang Fawzi”

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Marissa Haque Fawzi: "Indonesia's Cinematic Art Stumble and Surge"

Indonesia's Cinematic Art Stumble and Surge
World Paper, New York, USA
June, 2001

By. Marissa Haque Fawzi
An Indonesia Actress, is in Residence at Ohio University

Indonesia as a country among many countries in the world, cannot escape of the effect of globalization. More specially, the Indonesia film industry is influenced and shaped by the cultures and trends of many other nations. This assimilation necessary and positive for progress and increased quality as long as an individual maintains his/ her own touch, so to speak. This process is guaranteed by the fact that our world grows smaller everyday and the boundaries that once existed are no more.

The father of Indonesia film, Mr. Haji Usmar Ismail, was the first Indonesia artist to graduate from the School of Film at the University of California Los Angles as early as the 1940s. Generations to follow in the 1970’s were strongly predisposed to Russian production style and technique with Indonesian graduate from Moscow University such as Syumandjaja and Amy Priono.

Many artists to follow, Producers and Directors are products of Indonesia education and training. Their work, also distinguished, is colored by local wit and wisdom. A result of their efforts has been “Edutainment” or educational entertainment for the Indonesian citizen.

The only trouble with this is seen in the extremely small ratio of these artists in relation to the population of Indonesia, which far exceeds 200 million. If the love of money is the root of all evil it has also been the demise of the film industry in Indonesia. Many Directors viewed the production of movies as a monetary printing press.

The typical Indonesian film left nothing for the viewing public; there was no moral message and no real meaning. By the end of 1980s the film industry has stagnated and come to screeching halt. The Indonesia government further stifled the industry’s creativity and quality, and the differences from one film to the next became almost impossible to discern. It was a frustrating time for the movie-going public and even exasperating for those production teams that sought to create.

In 1990s gave us Garin Nugroho. As a young man, he graduated from University of Indonesia with a degree in Law and attended Indonesia’s Institut Kesenian Jakarta (Indonesian Art Institute). Garin Nugroho was determined to create new standard, and in the mid-1990s he began work. Nugroho presented an Eastern European style of production. Many Indonesian viewers did not understand this style of production and found the storylines difficult to follow, but his works have been honored (and have placed) at almost every international film festivals in which those have appeared.

Toward the end of 1999, a group of young Indonesian film graduates that, to date, do not wish to be identified with other movie production teams, came together to produce. They represent the new techno generation, seeking something new and different from all who came before them, and it is known to Indonesians today as the movie Kuldesak. This independent production team used a grassroots style marketing strategy throughout production. The film smacks of Quentin Tarantino. The theme song from thia movie was also honored by MTV at the MTV awards 2000 in New York.

The year 2000 was phenomenon for Rivai Riza (Film Director), Mira Lesmana and Triawan Munaf (Co Producers) with their award-winning production Petualangan Sherina or the Adventures of Sherina. The British honored this production with the presentation of the British Chavening Award Scholarship to Riza. This is only logical because Riza finished his Master of Arts in screenwriting at a British Institution in 1999. Riza ia rich with British style.

What do we see in the future of the Indonesian film industry? What style do we hope will prevail? There are so many possibilities, but that which cannot be denied and is clear to even those who would close their eyes is that American films are shown on every channel of Indonesian television and fill Indonesian theatres. In this lies an undeniable answer.

We are also aware that American film is a collection of assimilations from across the world. Thus we come full circle of globalization and interdependent world in which we live. We will, each and every one of us, learn from all of those around us without exception, if we hope to progress. This is a continual process that will go on for as long as we breathe.

Marissa Haque Fawzi: "Indonesia's Cinematic Art Stumble and Surge"

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Marissa Haque dari Dominika Dittwald: "We Learn Everything from Everybody" (Termasuk Diplomasi & Strategi Presiden SBY 2012)


Pada saat kita di luar Indonesia, tentu setiap detik adalah saat memulung ilmu, benar yang dikatakan oleh karibku Dominika Dittwald bahwa we learn everything from everybody. Kesukaan kami dalam hal membaca memang klop satu sama lainnya.

Namun karena Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa ibu dari Dominika (selain Perancis dan Polandia), maka saya selalu tertinggal dalam hal capaian jumlah buku yang telah habis kami baca setiap minggunya. Dan saya jadi hampir selalu mentraktirnya minum susu-coklat panas di cafetaria dekat kampus kami, karena hampir selalu kalah 'taruhan'. Kami memilih minum susu-coklat atau moccacino karena Dominika faham saya Muslimah dan tidak meminum alkohol (walau saat itu saya masih on-off-on-off pakai kerudung terutama pasca kejadian September 11).


Seingatku Dominika sering mengucap nama Sir Ken Robinson yang mengatakan: "... never confuse knowledge with common sense...". Robinson adalah seorang pendidik revolusioner yang mengatakan bahwa ada fakta yang menyebutkan (tahunnya saya lupa) bahwa 98% anak di Amerika Serikat lahir dengan kemampuan "divergent thinking." Dan hal itu membuat mereka 'tidak ada matinya' di dalam mencari solusi terhadap setiap permasalahan yang mereka hadapi!

Tak heran selama kami sekolah film di School of Film, Ohio University, Athens, USA kami selalu hampir setiap hari dicekoki kalimat "...there is no room for mistakes!" Knowledege comes but wisdonm lingers. Knowledge is power, the more you know, the more powerful you become. Uang, harta, dan jabatan dapat hilang, namun melalui ilmu Allah, nalar, kasih, dan kepedulian akan remain sustainable...insya Allah...

Di dalam Bahasa Latinnya kurang-lebih adalah begini: " Tamdiu discendum est, quamdlu vivas"... 


Marissa Haque dari Dominika Dittwald: "We Learn Everything from Everybody"

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Marissa Haque Muncul di "Ranking 1" Trans TV: Ikang Fawzi


Pagi-pagi jam weker di kamar berbunyi Icha mencium saya untuk membangunkan agar berjamaah sholat Subuh. Pagi ini dia memang agak terburu-buru karena harus shooting live acara di Tans TV bertajuk "Ranking 1." Pas banget! Icha (Marissa Haque) bini ana tercinta memang jiwanya sangat scholarly. All the best my Love...


Terimakasih semalam ditemani di studio mini milik kita dan memeberikan komentar positifnya. Semoga album re-mix kita disukai oleh masyarakat luas kelak. Our fans...our lovers... thank you all...

Marissa Haque Muncul di "Ranking 1" Trans TV: Ikang Fawzi

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

"Marissa Haque Fawzi: "Ilmu IT & ICT Menyempurnakan Disertasi Doktor Ilmu Lingkunganku dari IPB-PSL""

Thursday, March 01, 2012 07:50 AM


Marissa Grace Haque Graduates with a Doctorate

Theresia Sufa, The Jakarta Post, Bogor | Wed, 02/29/2012 4:53 PM
Marissa Grace Haque. (Courtesy of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture)
Marissa Grace Haque. (Courtesy of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture)Celebrity Marissa Grace Haque graduated with a doctorate from the Bogor Institute of Agriculture’s (IPB) natural resource management and environment studies on Wednesday.

“I am majoring in environmental study focusing on illegal logging. The research was conducted in Riau because it is the sexiest region, geographically,” Marissa said after the graduation ceremony inside Grawida Hall at the Darmaga campus in Bogor.

When asked why she chose environmental studies, the wife of rock-star Ikang Fawzi said that it was because of her academic background in legal and business studies.

“My thesis statement was ‘crime is driven by economy, while the vehicle is politics’,” she said.

She also said that she would leave for East Timor on March 5 after being invited by the country’s agriculture and women’s empowerment ministries to commemorate World Women’s Day.

Marissa said that she would stay in East Timor for 10 days, while being involved in various discussions related to environmental and women’s empowerment issues.

“Environmental issues are very important because there are three things which can make human survive: water, air and food,” she said.

“These three things are getting reduced. Water sustainability is already damaged while food is getting scarcer due to the bigger population.” (nvn)


"Marissa Haque Fawzi: "Ilmu IT & ICT Menyempurnakan Disertasi Doktor Ilmu Lingkunganku dari IPB-PSL""

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

"Duh! Semoga Angelina Sondakh Tetap dalam Iman Islamnya: Marissa Haque Fawzi"

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011 20:23 WIB


Marissa Haque: Hubungan Angie (Angelina Sondakh) Berpotensi Bocorkan Strategi KPK

JAKARTA, TRIBUN - Artis senior yang juga politisi, Marissa Haque mengatakan, hubungan asmara antara politisi Partai Demokrat, Angelina Sondakh dengan penyidik KPK, Kompol Raden Brotoseno, berpotensi kebocoran strategi internal KPK kepada partai dalam menangani kasus korupsi Wisma Atlet, seperti dituduhkan mantan Bendahara Umum Partai Demokrat, Muhammad Nazaruddin.

Marissa yang telah Doktor (S3) dari IPB dan menyelesaikan disertasi tentang Illegal Logging di Riau ini menjelaskan, dari ukuran etika, apa yang mereka lakukan sangat tidak etis. "Mengingat dari kacamata hukum,  apa yang dituduhkan Nazarudin ke Angie terhadap delik pidana gratifikasinya, menuju ke arah TSK alias tersangka," jelas istri rocker Ikang Fawzi ini, Sabtu (17/12/2011).

Icha, panggilan akrab Marissa Haque, memuji kejelian mantan Ketua KPK, Busyro Muqoddas, dalam mengungkap hubungan asmara antara penyidik dengan Angie. Ibu dua anak yang telah menyelesaikan program MBA dari FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) dan sekarang sedang menyelesaikan Program MH dari Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) juga ini menjelaskan, bahwa saat di dalam kelas hukum yang mahasiswa sebagian besar dari kepolisian dan kejaksaan, muncul informasi bahwa Kompol Broto kekasih Angie tersebut bukan minta pindah tapi dipindahkaan. Dari kelas hukum tersebut juga beredar kabar jika keduanya baru berkenalan selama dua bulan ini saat Angie disidik.

Saat ini Icha (Marissa Haque) sembari menghabiskan sisa tahun 2011 sedang merampungkan penulisan buku mengenai batik tandem bersama anak salah seorang Guru Besar Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis UGM, Meta Thereskova.

Editor : zulham
Source : Tribunnews
"Duh! Semoga Angelina Sondakh Tetap dalam Iman Islamnya: Marissa Haque Fawzi"

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